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Engineering professor spends career giving back to doctoral students

Engineering professor spends career giving back to doctoral students

APRIL 15, 2022 -电气与计算机工程教授,著名作家,获 Lutcher Brown Distinguished Endowed Chair, Mo Jamshidi, 1963年1月,他离开了伊朗的设拉子,来到了他眼中的“机遇海洋”——美国.”


In February 2006, during his second month as a 世界杯官方app professor, 贾姆希迪决定是时候加入他的几位同事,开始回馈大学了.

He created the Mo and Jila Jamshidi Graduate Fellowship for students nearing the completion of their doctoral studies, so they could conduct more research in the field. 这也将有助于世界杯官方app实现并保持一级研究地位,这是该大学的目标 recently earned.



“由于校方的好意,我决定是时候开始回馈世界杯官方app了, faculty, and staff who welcomed me to the university, 以及作为一名受赠教授,我获得了许多帮助我的学生和初级教师取得成功的好机会,” Jamshidi said. “学生的成功对我来说是最重要的,我很高兴能帮助他们在这个领域实现他们的梦想.”

He says he views his students as his own children. 他捐赠的每一分钱都给了通过博士资格考试的学生, 并且还需要完成自己的研究和论文才能完成毕业. 从研究和学生工资到招聘和旅行机会, Jamshidi always has his students’ futures at the forefront of his mind.

“能够支付给我的学生,让他们有足够的时间进行研究和发表论文,而不必从事可能干扰他们注意力和推迟毕业的外部工作,” he said.

在他27年的新墨西哥大学教授生涯中,贾姆希迪帮助35名博士.D. students graduate. During his time at 世界杯官方app, he has graduated 31 Ph.D. students. 这一数量的学生帮助电气与计算机工程系成为博士学位的顶级生产者之一.D.s at 世界杯官方app.

他以前的一些学生今天和他一起工作,成为电气和计算机工程系以及计算机科学系的教授. 其中一些教授甚至从他们还是本科生的时候就和贾姆希迪一起工作了. 他以前的许多学生现在在全球28个国家工作.


As a result of giving to his fellowship every year, the first Computer and Electrical Engineering student was awarded the Mo and Jila Jamshidi Graduate Fellowship on February 17, 2022. 

贾姆希迪名下有79本书和800多份出版物,他将于2022年夏天从世界杯官方app退休. 他计划每年回到世界杯官方app参加颁奖典礼,以授予下一届研究生他的奖学金. Jamshidi says he has faith that these students will become great, 不断发展的电子和计算机工程领域的贡献成员. 他也很自豪能成为以学术和创新的方式为世界杯官方app做出贡献的许多其他教职员工之一.

Jordan Allen

世界杯官方app Today is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

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